Thursday, March 13, 2014

Like Woah

Hello, my friends! After my three month vacation from writing (I needed material, y'all), I am back and back for a while. Much has happened in the past three months-a lot of learning, growing, realizing, and climbing. From where we last left off, I was describing the importance of obtaining a hobby-a passion, if you will. I, personally, was not able to correctly obtain a passion at the time because, well, I had a bit of a hard time. But I tell you what, after years of struggling, my life has finally turned around for good. Enough about my internal stuff, though. Let's get to the good stuff:]

1) New Year's/Surprise!!/HBD2ME/Spring Hill'n/BallSchmall
I know what you're thinking--That's a ton of things to put as #1! But you see, that's all in January. JANUARY. Wow. I miss January. Such a fun month. Okay, serious time.

New Year's-I'm not typically the type of WOOOO PARTYYYY girl. Actually, on a party scale of 1-10, I'm a solid 0.5. However, I was selected as the DD of my lovely group of friends, driving their funny selves at 3 a.m. I tell you what, that was one of the most fun nights I have ever had. Being able to help my friends and enjoy myself was a great was to kick off 2k14.

Surprise!!-Wow okay now this is awesome. Really, really, really awesome. My girls Alaina and Suze (not pictured because I don't know why:[) threw me a surprise party for my birthday at my house with 30 of my absolute favorite people. THIRTY. I felt on top of the world, sobbing at the whole situation. I would have never thought someone would do that for me, much less two people. You never truly know all the people you effect and the love they have for you. That night, I felt it all, and tears of joy came down for a solid 30 minutes. It was beautiful, real, and emotional.

HBD2ME- 3 days later, I turned the glorious age of 18. It was wonderful since I'm now a #grownnnnwoman *Beyonce voice*. I felt so wonderful to be alive and felt truly blessed to have made it this far. 

Spring Hill'n-EEEEP! My future college! I'm officially committed as a Badger at Spring Hill College for the fall. I cannot tell you how wonderful and lovely it is to finally be able to reach my dreams and achieve them. 

BallSchmall- Although Mardi Gras is not my favorite holiday, I do love to dress up for a ball or two. 

2) Old Friends/Crossroads

Old Friends-My best friend of 10 years turned 18 in mid February, so I threw her a surprise party at a Japanese restaurant. Needless to say, it was a great hit. I also did various activities with all of my friends throughout.

Crossroads- Okay, WOW, my favorite topic. Crossroads is a retreat the seniors (me) put on for the underclassman to reach out to them and show them the power of God. This had to be one of the most powerful, life-changing weekends. Not only was I servant to these young guys and girls, but it was all through God's name. I have never felt so powerful at any point, and I knew that I helped in changing lives for the better. 

3) Senior Pics?!/Babysitting/Spring Hill Friends

Senior Pics-Wait, when did I get old?! I got to take my senior pics at Avery Island (depths of Louisiana, home of Tabasco, etc. etc. etc.), and although I have yet to see them all, I'm pretty stoked. Mrs. Kim (who's like the absolute best-Kimbrali Photography) was wonderful. It's weird because it's finally me and finally happening, but then again, it makes me sad. 

Babysitting-My sweet girl has taught me more than she'll ever know about the love the child has that no one should ever lose and the beauty of innocence.

Spring Hill Friends-Since I'm leaving my state for another in 5 months, I figured, "Hey! I should make friends!" Meet my new pal and "best dorm mate friend" Cullyn aka Marge. Doesn't she look like Lorde?! 

When I tell you all of this, I tell you in the hope that it'll give you hope for a better future or reassurance that anyone can make life beautiful. Accept life as it comes and rejoice in the blessings that come your way. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Sunday, December 29, 2013


Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas this past Wednesday! I know I spent some much-needed time with my family and have seen plenty of friends this holiday season. I'd like to share with all of you my new hobby-playing the guitar. I've been dying to learn, and I graciously recieved one for Jesus' birthday. I've been playing everyday, not having any experience whatsoever with the instrument. However, I am pleased to announce that I have learned two chords and twinkle twinkle little star! I hope you all pick up a hobby for your New Years resolution.


Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Hello, friends! I hope that all of you are enjoying the holiday season just as much as I am! With midterms out of the way, I can finally sit back and relish in the beauty and love of Christmas. To start of the holiday season, my dancing friends and I got together to have our tacky sweater Christmas party. It was so much fun to dress up in the midst of the stress of studying. One of my absolute best friends and I dressed up as Mia Thermopilis and Lilliy Moscovitz just for fun in honor of our favorite movie. Lastly, I spent four hours wrapping presents based on Pinterest ideas! You can all follow my Pinterest page ( to get great ideas on everything. Hope you Christmas is nothing less than the best! 

Me and my cool friend Madison
Part of my art midterm
The resemblance is uncanny

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Little Ones

I love to babysit. There's something in the kids I babysit that reminds of the beauty of youth and innocence that I just love to soak in. It's like I'm reminded so much of the simplicity of childhood and all of its wonders, I forget all of the difficulties in my life. I'm always being taught something beautiful each time. Everything is put into perspective, and I remember how wonderful the little things in life really are. From young to old, we can all learn from the beauty of innocence and simplicity.


Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Getaway

Hello, everyone! After what seems like ages, I wish to be consistent with my posts, but I wish this simply because I need a getaway. Last November I went viral with this blog in an effort to share my meditative thoughts and isms in hopes to inspire my lovely readers to think of life in such a beautiful way. However, in the past few months, I have been nothing but busy, but I feel as if this is only an excuse, not a reason. I do believe that this blog is my safe haven, my sanctuary. I have had recent events in my life that have made me look at the not-so-dainty issues that encompass my being. My friends, I have not been looking at the dainty little things. I have been looking at the Big-Foot, nasty things that surround us.
It is so hard for us to ignore these issues, though. With a typhoon in the Philippines, mass shootings happening almost weekly in the U.S., social justice issue rates at an all time high, and basically any other issue one may have regarding the struggles of daily life, looking at the beautiful flowers and seeing the bright sunshine may seem absolutely futile and ridiculous. Every time I'm caught moping around, I can just hear the little voice in my head, "Kat, there are people DYING and here you are sad for a reason you have absolutely no power to fix."
My little voice has a point, but that little voice should not get in the way of learning life's lessons. It will take some sad times and disastrous mistakes to see the beauty in life in all of its times.  This is the harsh truth of a harsh world, as Dakota Fanning said in Uptown Girls (RIP Brittany Murphy.)
But in all seriousness, hard times will make you better. You just can't lose hope in this. It's hard to see that everything has a purpose, and "why do bad things happen to good people?" always comes into play. I may not ever be able to answer purpose questions or philosophical questions to the highest degree of excellence, but I know that everything has a purpose to make you even better. EVERYTHING. 
So find your getaway. Find your release from this "harsh world." From there, you will find the dainty little things. You will find happiness in those small reminders of life. You just have to accept them as a source of happiness. You must see the goodness in the dainty little things.


Friday, November 29, 2013

Something To Be Grateful For: Day 2

I feel as if 75% of this blog is me apologizing to you all for not keeping up. Life gets away from us, and I'm just trying to catch up! Speaking of life, that is something to be grateful, is it not? So many people love their lives in regret, in dissatisfaction, or even a mix of the two. I actually read an article on BuzzFeed on the matter, with a nurse describing the 5 typical dying patients last regrets/dissatisfactions with life. The main regret: not being yourself. Life is all about exploring yourself and the world around you. Why are you restricted from not being yourself? Fear? Things tying you down? Well, "Fear is an idea-crippling, experience-crushing, success-stalling inhibitor inflicted only by yourself." As for the things that tie you down, you are the only person who is obligated to tie yourself down, not others or situations.
Enjoy life.
Every sadness, pain, laughter, happiness. 
Totally kidding about that. But not it's concept. You live once, but once can be enough. Just live your life and make the best with what you have.


Monday, October 14, 2013

Something To Be Grateful For: Day 1

I've decided that for the next few months I will list 5 things we should all be grateful for. Today I'm recognizing the friendships we each have in our lives. Friendships have so much impact on our lives, whether it be lessons, blessings, pains, or joys. Most of us have had at least all of these types of friends, but nevertheless, these people have shaped our lives through our experiences with these types of people. 

Lessons are never easy. These types of friends are our fun friends at first, but soon or later they become the people we would not like to be. There are also the friends that are lessons that constantly teach you something valuable to living a lovely life. These people you should hold close to your heart for they will always be teaching you something new.

When I think of the word blessing,  I think of some little old grandma who pinches cheeks and says "oh my little blessing!" with so much enthusiasm it's almost nauseating. Or that priest in my town (no but really). Blessings are the types of friends that you don't know what your life would be like without them. They have changed you to the point that you are eternally indebted to them. These are your treasured friends, and no matter how far you are from them or how little you see them, your friends forever. Your life rocks with these friends. Keep rockin on, dudes. 

Pains are exactly what they imply. These people inflict pain on you. The friends you once thought you had have hurt you. I would stay away from these friends as much as possible. Live your life pain-free, get an Advil for your life. However, in another more-positive instance, you might be taking up the pain for your friend. An example of this is a friend who helps out another friend with an issue that is bothering them. Seeing their friend in pain causes them pain. These friends are your life-saving pains, and you never want to lose these.

Joys are the friends you always joke around with. You may not have a deep, invested relationship, but you always know how to have a good time. These friends take weight of your shoulders and can always make you smile. They may not know everything about you, but they don't necessarily need to. You're fun and they're fun-that's all that matters. You deserve to have carefree time with these friends.

I hope you take a moment and be thankful for your friends of all kinds. 


p.s. Shout out to Victoria from, fashion-savvy girl with a fantastic blog. What more could you want?
*I apologize if you are offended that you are a tiny photo but I didn't have many frames. You are all equally loved*